14Mar, 2013
The LA Times
CACTUS INC. produced the Cabinets, Casework and Murphy Bed in this recent LA Times article. LA Times Article : Manhattan Beach Residence The article showcases a residence designed and built by Walker Workshop in Manhattan Beach, CA.
9Mar, 2013
9Mar, 2013
9Mar, 2013
9Mar, 2013
8Feb, 2013
View of the Shop
Quick panoramic of the front side of our Shop - have another two building to photograph and add...
8Feb, 2013
Recycled Plastic and Wood
We recently were contracted to produce an outdoor shower enclosure for a residence along the coast. The GC asked if we could design and fabricate the project from a sustainable / low - maintenance material. We chose TREX - a recycled plastic and wood composite. As we fabricate, finish and [...]